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IPHO chief urges health workers to ramp up special vax drive, strengthen surveillance

The Integrated Provincial Health Office convened representatives from rural health units and district hospitals across the province in a conference on April 1, 2024, in Marawi City to assess the special measles vaccination campaign and address emerging issues and concerns. (Photo courtesy of IPHO-Lanao del Sur)

MARAWI CITY -- The chief of the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) - Lanao del Sur urged health workers in the province to intensify efforts in the ongoing campaign on special measles immunization and bolster surveillance measures.

During the second command conference on measles outbreak response immunization held on April 3, 2024, in Marawi City, Dr. Alinader Minalang rallied representatives from rural health units (RHUs) and district hospitals to evaluate the progress of the vaccination campaign and address emerging challenges.

"I recognize our efforts, but there's still more to be done. We need to redouble our efforts to reach the 95 percent target," said Minalang.

Health workers are tasked with administering measles vaccinations to 271,425 children as part of the special immunization campaign, which commenced on April 1. As of April 3, a total of 43,783 children, or approximately 16 percent of the target, received vaccinations.

The IPHO chief emphasized the importance of achieving 95 percent herd immunity, highlighting the risk posed to unvaccinated children who may contract the infection later in life.

"Based on findings on the cases, 70 percent are not vaccinated. And if you look at their age, marami sa kanila ang nasa labas ng age group sa (many of them fall outside the age range covered by) routine measles mass vaccination," he stated.

While routine immunization typically targets children aged nine months to five years, the ongoing campaign extends to children aged six months to 10 years.

Minalang also stressed the need to enhance surveillance efforts, particularly in hospitals and RHUs, to promptly identify measles cases and prevent further transmission.

Since 2023, Lanao del Sur has recorded a total of 1,220 cumulative measles cases, resulting in 13 fatalities. Of these cases, 46 percent originate from Marawi City, while the remaining 54 percent are distributed across various municipalities in the province. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)

The Integrated Provincial Health Office convened representatives from rural health units and district hospitals across the province in a conference on April 1, 2024, in Marawi City to assess the special measles vaccination campaign and address emerging issues and concerns. (Photo courtesy of IPHO-Lanao del Sur)

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