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Lanao del Sur tourism office bares key milestones

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA) -- The Provincial Tourism, Culture and Arts Office (PTCAO) unveiled key achievements to fortify Lanao del Sur's tourism sector.

During the first semester meeting of the Provincial Tourism, Culture and Arts Council (PTCAC) on May 29, Tourism Operations Officer Abdullah M. Acmad reported PTCAO's engagement in promotional campaigns for the province's cultural products, both locally and abroad.

These included participation in the Bangsamoro Foundation Day in Cotabato City, where recognition was earned for their cultural booth and float competition entries. Further, the Bangsamoro and Meranaw cultures were showcased by PTCAO at the Philippine Travel Mart and the Philippine Independence Day celebration in New York.

"We have also organized the Association of Lanao del Sur Tourism Officers. This is because we saw the need to unify our tourism officers in the province. We are speaking of 39 municipalities and one city, so they need an association to discuss what they can do and how they can improve the tourism landscape in our province," he said.

The PTCAO additionally convened meetings with various sectors of the tourism value chain to address pertinent issues, challenges, and emerging trends. These discussions engaged stakeholders from the transportation sector, tour operators, and peace and order agencies.

"We also have capacitated 30 micro-entrepreneurs and provided them with P30,000 financial assistance. We gave them training on managing their finance and business, with financial assistance of P30,000 to augment their operations. Our partners from the Ministry of Trade, Investments and Tourism and the Department of Trade and Industry gave the training," he added.

Abdullah M. Acmad of the Provincial Tourism, Culture, and Arts Office, disclosed that meetings were successfully held with key sectors of the tourism value chain, a priority set during last year's first-semester meeting to tackle sector-specific issues, challenges, and emerging trends. (Photo by DCC/PIA-10)

To further preserve and promote Meranaw's cultural heritage, the PTCAO developed the Paninggalan (legacy) learning module, launched the Meranaw Academy, and trained thirty young tourism advocates as tour guides.

Also, to bolster the promotion of local cuisines and tourism sites, the PTCAO organized an inter-LGU culinary festival and photography contest during the Pakaradiyaan o Sarimanok. This annual event in July commemorates the province's founding anniversary.

Provincial Tourism Focal Ahmad Nour-al-Dinn A. Tamano Jr. said the newly established PTCAO takes inspiration from Republic Act 9593, the Philippine Tourism Act. This office is mandated to develop a local tourism plan to identify challenges and determine the programs, projects, and activities needed for community development and economic growth.

Lanao del Sur Tourism Focal Ahmad Nour-al-Dinn A. Tamano Jr. highlighted during the Provincial Tourism, Culture, and Arts Council meeting that under the Philippine Tourism Act, regional and national entities are responsible for creating tourism strategies and enhancing community outcomes. This foundation led to the establishment of the Provincial Tourism Office. (Photo by DCC/PIA-10)

Looking forward

Among this year's planned initiatives include creating promotional concept stories to highlight the province, developing eco-tourism in Lake Sebu, expanding the 'Okiran Tano' project by incorporating 'langkit' weave into school uniforms, and providing training for accommodation and restaurant staff on delivering excellent Filipino service.

Additionally, for the upcoming Pakaradiyaan o Sarimanok celebration, there will be an exhibition of Meranaw cultural sport called 'Kasipa sa Ranaw,' an inter-school culinary food festival, a food photography contest, and a tourism video contest. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)


Lanao Sur PTCAC addresses tourism data collection gaps

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- Members of the Lanao del Sur Provincial Tourism, Culture and Arts Council (PTCAC) engaged in a productive conversation to find practical solutions to the challenges faced by the tourism industry in the province.

During the PTCAC's first semester meeting on Wednesday, May 29, one of the key issues identified was the inadequacy of tourism data collection, impeding an accurate assessment of the industry's economic impact on the province.

Tourism Operations Officer Yusop Saaban of the Provincial Tourism, Culture, and Arts Office (PTCAO) revealed that among the 40 local government units (LGUs) in Lanao del Sur, only 15 have submitted data to their office. Additionally, they received reports from only four out of 20 provincial accommodation establishments.

Saaban, however, noted a rise in tourist and visitor arrivals, with numbers increasing from 145,945 in the previous year to 158,279 in 2023. Notably, most visitors were recorded in the municipality of Wao, attributed to diligent reporting by the LGU Wao.

PTCAC chairperson Sittie Aisha Baicon Cayongcat-Nuska stressed the necessity of refining documentation and data capture processes, emphasizing that the absence of documented tourist arrivals does not imply a lack of incoming visitors.

Despite anticipated challenges, she emphasized the importance of learning from the municipality of Wao's documentation methods to progress.

"We have establishments here in the province, the city, the MSU [Mindanao State University], and even the BARMM offices are frequently visited. But as to how do we report this, yun ang idadagdag sa ways forward - how can we learn from the municipality of Wao on their documentation? It may be quite challenging, nevertheless, we still should learn from them," she recommended.

The PTCAO has initiated training sessions for tourism officers on utilizing and administering data collection forms recommended by the Department of Tourism under the Standard Local Tourism Statistics System (SLTSS). To date, 43 stakeholders, comprising selected tourism officers and private accommodation establishments have undergone training in using these forms.

Marawi City Tourism Officer Princess Tarhata P. Mangotara confirmed this and lauded the PTCAO for the guidance and support throughout the process.

She noted that previously, there was minimal to no submission of tourist arrival data in the city. Her office has also proactively engaged with tourism establishments. However, before this, they needed to determine which tourism establishments should be responsible for collecting tourist data, a process guided by the PTCAO.

In addition to data collection concerns, the council members tackled proposed programs, projects, and activities to capitalize on the province's tourism potential. Furthermore, they discussed the benefits and process of accrediting tourism facilities. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)

Sittie Aisha Baicon Cayongcat-Nuska, chairperson of the Provincial Tourism, Culture, and Arts Council, clarified that the absence of documented tourist arrivals does not necessarily mean that no tourists or visitors are coming in. She underscored the importance of improving documentation and data capture processes, considering that various establishments in Lanao del Sur and Marawi City re frequently visited. (Photo by DCC/PIA-10)


Marawi Compensation Board reiterates fairness to siege victims

The Marawi Compensation Board conducted a press conference to update members of the press on the progress of the compensation for Marawi siege victims. (Photo by: DCC/PIA Region 10)

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA) -- The Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) reaffirmed its commitment to transparency and open dialogue in ensuring just compensation for victims affected by the Marawi Siege.

Addressing recent concerns regarding the valuation of damaged structural properties, the MCB emphasized its readiness to engage in constructive dialogue and consider proposals to refine the compensation process.

"The Marawi Compensation Board is open to discussions and suggestions. The MCB will meet upon receipt of the proposal of the Secretariat regarding the suggestions during the Senate hearings," stated lawyer Sittie Raifah Pamaloy-Hassan, MCB spokesperson and secretary, during a press conference on May 23.

While emphasizing its openness to dialogue, the MCB spokesperson reiterated that compensation will continue to be disbursed, following the existing rules outlined in Provincial Ordinance No. 2 Series of 2021. This ordinance, incorporating depreciation, establishes the framework for determining fair market value and guides the MCB's compensation decisions.

Pamaloy-Hassan stressed that compensation decisions cannot be called unjust as the MCB operates within the parameters set by law. 

"We are faithfully implementing the provisions of the law, the IRR, and the ordinance passed by the Provincial Government," she added.

The Board also affirmed its commitment to cooperate fully with the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on the Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Act, recognizing the Committee's legislative authority to revisit the law and address concerns about compensation valuation.

The MCB, established under Republic Act No. 11696, aims to provide monetary compensation to all eligible claimants through a transparent, efficient, timely, and accessible process.

Since July 3, 2023, the MCB has been receiving claims, with a total of 13,849 claims filed to date: 263 for death, 8,041 multiple claims, 5,457 for other properties, and 188 for structural properties. These claims undergo inspection and review by the board's engineers and lawyers. 

Currently, 932 structures have been inspected and the legal team has raffled 766 cases. The Board en Banc has also resolved 379 claims, approving 286.

Payments for death claims began on November 20, 2023, and for structural claims on April 5, 2024. As of May 17, 2024, a total of 128 claims have been awarded to claimants, amounting to P175,266,240.70. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)

The Marawi Compensation Board conducted a press conference to update members of the press on the progress of the compensation for Marawi siege victims. (Photo by: DCC/PIA Region 10)


Lanao del Sur governor thankful for PBBM’s aid to farmers, fisherfolk

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. handed over P10 million in cash assistance to Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr. farmers and fisherfolk in the province affected by the El Niño phenomenon. (Photo courtesy of PIO Lanao del Sur)

Provincial Governor Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr. expressed gratitude towards President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. for the aid extended to the farmers, fisherfolk, and families in Lanao del Sur. 

The governor emphasized that government support is crucial during these challenging times of El Niño and the looming threat of La Niña in the coming months as these marginalized sectors face disruptions in their livelihood.

"We are grateful to President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. for his assistance to the farmers, fisherfolk, and families in Lanao del Sur. In these trying times of El Niño and the threat of La Niña in the next couple of months when the marginalized sectors experience severe disruptions in their livelihood, they need government support most," he stated.

Adiong received a P10 million cash aid from President Marcos during his visit to Maguindanao del Sur on May 23. The President's visit aimed to assess the plight of farmers and fisherfolk and address their issues firsthand.

In his message, President Marcos reassured that his administration would monitor the situation in Mindanao and the well-being of its people to ensure the implementation of more effective measures tailored to address their needs.

He also directed national government agencies to collaborate closely with local government units to prepare for the onset of the La Niña phenomenon next month. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)


Gandamra highlights crucial lessons from Marawi siege commemoration

The city government of Marawi hosted the commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the Marawi siege, May 23. In his address, Marawi City Mayor Majul Gandamra stressed the importance of the commemoration to draw lessons from the past. He noted that understanding the circumstances leading to the attack allows for better planning to prevent similar tragedies in the future. (Photo courtesy of City Government of Marawi)

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA) -- City Mayor Majul Gandamra emphasized the importance of drawing lessons from the past to strengthen community resilience and security.

In a ceremony to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the Marawi siege, Gandamra underscored the painful memories associated with it while emphasizing the necessity of remembering the event as a means of learning and growth.

"While the memories of the siege are painful, commemorating this event is very crucial for it allows us to draw invaluable lessons from the past. The siege exposed vulnerabilities and mistakes that we must acknowledge and address," he said. 

The mayor highlighted a concerning aspect of complacency that preceded the attack. He stated that although some residents noticed the presence of terrorists in the city before the attack, it did not cause any alarm.

"The security of our community should not be left solely to the government forces. It is a shared responsibility. Residents must be vigilant, and barangay governments should take the lead in protecting their areas," he remarked.

Gandamra also stressed the importance of proactive measures in preventing similar tragedies in the future, reiterating the role of community engagement and cooperation in safeguarding the city.

The city government of Marawi hosted the commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the Marawi siege, May 23.

Taking charge of the rebuilding efforts

Gandamra said the seventh anniversary of the Marawi siege marked a significant shift in the city's trajectory towards self-reliance and community-led development.

For the past six years, the Task Force Bangon Marawi of the National Government has been the lead organizer of the commemoration efforts, playing a crucial role in the initial stages of recovery and rebuilding. 

"Their efforts have been instrumental in the initial stages of our recovery and rebuilding. While the Task Force Bangon Marawi and the different line agencies of the government remain available to assist us if needed, we are stepping into a new phase of self-reliance and community-led development," the mayor affirmed.

Gandamra further emphasized that the transition signifies the people of Marawi's growing strength and commitment to reclaiming and rebuilding the city. 

"Healing is a continuous process and while we acknowledge the pain of the past, we must also dwell on what we can do to boost onward and improve," he added.

The commemoration was highlighted by a MUG-Serbisyo Caravan, extending a range of vital government services to its residents, including medical check-ups, vaccination drives, health education, dental services, RBS testing, distribution of essential medicines, and civil registration, among others. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)


World Vision spotlights children, youth's role in Marawi Peace Week

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- The World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF) brought together children and youth from different schools and communities in Marawi City to engage in activities that promote peace and celebrate Marawi Week of Peace.

The theme of the activity, "Building Peace Through Rebuilding Relationships Towards Rebuilding Communities," emphasized the importance of collective healing and progress.

Held at the Marawi City Hall Covered Court on May 18, the program included solidarity messages, a learning session on child protection, SportsPEACE, and a cultural and variety show, all aimed at deepening understanding of peace values and fostering camaraderie through sports, arts, and literature.

The European Union co-funded the organization's "Promoting Efforts Addressing Conflict through Education (PEACE) Mindanao" initiative, which included the event.

"Marami nang mga events at milestone ang na-achieve natin kasama na itong peace network at peace clubs for the children. Nakita natin yung importansya ng peace education at ang importansya ng youth and children as part of the peace initiatives sa community. Nagkaroon na tayo ng capacity-building at different levels sa community, sa school, sa peace network," said Ajab Macapagat, WVDF Operations Director.

(We have achieved numerous events and milestones, including the establishment of peace networks and clubs for children. We have recognized the importance of peace education and the role of youth and children in community peace initiatives. We have conducted capacity-building at various levels within the community, schools, and peace network.)

As part of this year's Marawi Week of Peace celebration, the World Vision Development Foundation brought together youth and children from different schools and communities in Marawi City to engage in playful activities and celebrate Marawi Week of Peace. With the theme, "Building Peace Through Rebuilding Relationships Towards Rebuilding Communities," the activity emphasized the importance of coming together to heal and move forward. (Photo by ZRD/PIA-10)

World Vision has been actively involved in initiatives in Marawi City since the 2017 siege, beginning with relief efforts during the humanitarian crisis and later engaging in the city's recovery processes.

"Ang isang pinakaimportanting na-achieve natin ay nagkaroon tayo ng peace forum—isang platform where civil society organizations, local governments, and NGOs come together to discuss initiatives at kung papaano natin mapapasustain and further ma-advocate ang peace sa Marawi," he noted.

(A significant achievement is the establishment of a peace forum—a platform where civil society organizations, local governments, and NGOs convene to discuss initiatives, sustain them, and further advocate for peace in Marawi.)

Macapagat also underscored the city's substantial strides in both physical revitalization and governance improvements, signaling significant advancement for the local government and its partners, including NGOs.

Emphasizing the influence of children on their families and communities, which drives the organization's continued advocacy efforts, Macapagat affirmed that as long as there are children in need and opportunities to assist them, World Vision's dedication remains unwavering.

The peace activity received support from the city government of Marawi through the local youth development office and city social welfare office, the city schools division, the city's League of Barangays, and the Ministry of Interior and Local Government in Marawi. (APB/PIA-10/Lanao del Sur)

he PEACE Mindanao Project by the World Vision Development Foundation fosters peace among children and youth. (Photo by ZRD/PIA-10)


Lanao del Sur inflation accelerates further in April 2024

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- The inflation rate in Lanao del Sur continued to accelerate reaching 5.3 percent in April 2024 from 4,5 percent in March 2024.

Mohammadali Alonto, the chief statistical specialist of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in Lanao del Sur, reported that this acceleration was primarily driven by fast increase in price index of key sectors. Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages rose to 7.9 percent from 6.9 percent, Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels increased from -2.3 percent to -1.5 percent, and Transport accelerated from -0.5 percent to 1.3 percent. These rises contributed to the overall uptick in inflation rates across the province.

The provincial inflation report showed a continued upward trajectory in the food index, reaching 8.0 percent from the previous month's 7.0 percent. This surge was fueled by accelerated inflation rates for various food items, including vegetables, tubers, plantains, cooking bananas, pulses, fish, other seafood, and ready-made food and other food products.

However, certain food categories experienced lower inflation rates, such as cereals and cereal products at 13.4 percent from 13.6 percent; flour, bread, and other bakery and pasta products at 4.2 percent from 4.4 percent; and meat and other parts of slaughtered land animals at 8.1 percent from 8.6 percent. 

Rice inflation also slowed down to 15.8 percent from the 16.1 percent recorded in March.

Despite varied inflation rates across food categories, the purchasing power of consumers within the province declined to 0.80 in April 2024, indicating that one peso in 2018 was worth only 0.80 centavos by April 2024. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)


50 Marawi students gain skills on disaster preparedness

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- Around 50 students from five schools here are now equipped with essential disaster risk and reduction management (DRRM) skills, preparing them to effectively respond to potential hazards.

"I'm happy because I learned a lot, especially during the fire drill. I was a bit nervous at first, but when I put on the fire gear, I got excited. It felt satisfying to put out the fire because it's also my dream to become a firefighter," shared pupil Ashary Salic after completing a two-day DRR skills training. 

The activity was spearheaded by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City, under the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project, 

Adonis Casinillo, World Vision project manager, said empowering children with DRR skills is vital in ensuring their safety and resilience during emergencies. 

"Teaching children fire safety is not only timely because of the high heat index we are experiencing but is also a life skill. As an organization, we commit to promoting child participation in disaster preparedness to build their resilience and ensure their well-being in times of emergencies," Casinillo said.

The Urban Child Protection and Participation Project has equipped around 50 students across five schools with crucial disaster risk and reduction management (DRRM) skills, enabling them to respond effectively to potential hazards. This effort was led by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City as part of the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project. (Photo courtesy of World Vision)

Aira Abedin, a 14-year-old Grade 5 pupil, echoed the same sentiment, highlighting the necessity of DRR skills for self-reliance in emergencies. "It is important to learn these disaster risk reduction (DRR) skills because if we don't, how will we save our lives?" Aira questioned. 

"So, it is really necessary for us to know and understand disaster risk and reduction management.  I'm thankful to World Vision because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't know this," she added.

The training covered the basics of DRRM as well as basic life support techniques for earthquakes, fires, and other emergencies.

Participants in the training included students, teachers, and DRR coordinators from Abdul Azis Elementary School, Cadayonan Elementary School, Hadji Hassan Elementary School, Sikap Elementary School, and Tuca-Boganga Elementary School.

In previous years, World Vision provided the five schools with essential DRR equipment and devices, such as tents, alarm systems, fire extinguishers, spine boards, first-aid kits, pairs of boots, portable radios, two-way radios, DRR ropes, and whistles. These resources aim to ensure learning continuity and create safer environments for learners. (APB, PIA Region 10-Lanao del Sur, with reports from World Vision)

Students from five schools in Marawi City are taught basic life support techniques for earthquakes, fires, and other emergencies during the DRRM training conducted by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City, as part of the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project. (Photo courtesy of World Vision)


Marawi siege victims find relief in gov't compensation

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- Individuals who submitted claims for losses incurred during the Marawi siege expressed contentment upon receiving government compensation, seeing it as a crucial step towards rebuilding their lives and attaining full recovery.

A structural claimant conveyed gratitude towards the Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) and its establishment for families displaced from the city's most affected area.

"Phanalamat kami ko Allah. Paganay ron na sa kya aprob sa giya Marawi Compensation Board ago sa giyaya mga staff tano. Opama na mini rampay so kapham'migay o gobyerno," she expressed during the ceremonial awarding of structural claim on April 17.

(We are thankful to Allah. First, we are grateful for the approval of the Marawi Compensation Board and its staff. The aid from the government has finally reached us).

Nora Culaste, who lost a family member during the siege, stated that the financial aid from the government would serve as a vital lifeline for their family's recovery.

“Dako kaayo ang akong pasalamat sa akong nadawat karon sa MCB na gihatag sa among pamilya para sa anak ko na nawala. Dili lalim nga mawad-an ta sa isa kapamilya. Sakit man sa ako’ang huna-huna na nawala ang akong anak, pero wala na ko’y mahimo kay pagbuot man na sa ginoo," she shared.

(I am deeply grateful for what our family received from the MCB for my lost son. Losing a family member is not easy. It pains me to think that my son is gone, but I can do nothing as it is the will of God).

As of April 30, the MCB has disbursed P148,848,794.26  for victims of the 2017 Marawi siege as compensation. This amount was allocated to 86 death claims and 32 structural and personal property claims.

Lawyer Maisara Dandamun-Latiph, the MCB chairperson, expressed hope that through this compensation, claimants could embark on a new chapter after the devastating impact of the Marawi siege.

"We understand that no amount of financial compensation can fully heal the wounds inflicted by this tragedy, but it is a tangible step towards acknowledging the sacrifices made by the victims and their loved ones and providing support to those in need after the siege," she remarked.

The MCB opened in July 2023 the applications for claims, including death, structural property, personal property, and other property claims. Families of those deceased during the siege will receive P350,000, while victims who lost their homes may claim compensation of P18,000 per square meter for totally damaged structures or P12,000 per square meter for partially damaged structures.

The application period for compensation will conclude on July 4, 2024. (APB,PIA Region 10-Lanao del Sur)

Claimants gather for the ceremonial distribution of structural and property claims administered by the Marawi Compensation Board on April 17, 2024. (Photo courtesy of MCB)