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Marawi Compensation Board reiterates fairness to siege victims

The Marawi Compensation Board conducted a press conference to update members of the press on the progress of the compensation for Marawi siege victims. (Photo by: DCC/PIA Region 10)

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA) -- The Marawi Compensation Board (MCB) reaffirmed its commitment to transparency and open dialogue in ensuring just compensation for victims affected by the Marawi Siege.

Addressing recent concerns regarding the valuation of damaged structural properties, the MCB emphasized its readiness to engage in constructive dialogue and consider proposals to refine the compensation process.

"The Marawi Compensation Board is open to discussions and suggestions. The MCB will meet upon receipt of the proposal of the Secretariat regarding the suggestions during the Senate hearings," stated lawyer Sittie Raifah Pamaloy-Hassan, MCB spokesperson and secretary, during a press conference on May 23.

While emphasizing its openness to dialogue, the MCB spokesperson reiterated that compensation will continue to be disbursed, following the existing rules outlined in Provincial Ordinance No. 2 Series of 2021. This ordinance, incorporating depreciation, establishes the framework for determining fair market value and guides the MCB's compensation decisions.

Pamaloy-Hassan stressed that compensation decisions cannot be called unjust as the MCB operates within the parameters set by law. 

"We are faithfully implementing the provisions of the law, the IRR, and the ordinance passed by the Provincial Government," she added.

The Board also affirmed its commitment to cooperate fully with the Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on the Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Act, recognizing the Committee's legislative authority to revisit the law and address concerns about compensation valuation.

The MCB, established under Republic Act No. 11696, aims to provide monetary compensation to all eligible claimants through a transparent, efficient, timely, and accessible process.

Since July 3, 2023, the MCB has been receiving claims, with a total of 13,849 claims filed to date: 263 for death, 8,041 multiple claims, 5,457 for other properties, and 188 for structural properties. These claims undergo inspection and review by the board's engineers and lawyers. 

Currently, 932 structures have been inspected and the legal team has raffled 766 cases. The Board en Banc has also resolved 379 claims, approving 286.

Payments for death claims began on November 20, 2023, and for structural claims on April 5, 2024. As of May 17, 2024, a total of 128 claims have been awarded to claimants, amounting to P175,266,240.70. (APB/PIA-10 Lanao del Sur)

The Marawi Compensation Board conducted a press conference to update members of the press on the progress of the compensation for Marawi siege victims. (Photo by: DCC/PIA Region 10)

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