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World Vision spotlights children, youth's role in Marawi Peace Week

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- The World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF) brought together children and youth from different schools and communities in Marawi City to engage in activities that promote peace and celebrate Marawi Week of Peace.

The theme of the activity, "Building Peace Through Rebuilding Relationships Towards Rebuilding Communities," emphasized the importance of collective healing and progress.

Held at the Marawi City Hall Covered Court on May 18, the program included solidarity messages, a learning session on child protection, SportsPEACE, and a cultural and variety show, all aimed at deepening understanding of peace values and fostering camaraderie through sports, arts, and literature.

The European Union co-funded the organization's "Promoting Efforts Addressing Conflict through Education (PEACE) Mindanao" initiative, which included the event.

"Marami nang mga events at milestone ang na-achieve natin kasama na itong peace network at peace clubs for the children. Nakita natin yung importansya ng peace education at ang importansya ng youth and children as part of the peace initiatives sa community. Nagkaroon na tayo ng capacity-building at different levels sa community, sa school, sa peace network," said Ajab Macapagat, WVDF Operations Director.

(We have achieved numerous events and milestones, including the establishment of peace networks and clubs for children. We have recognized the importance of peace education and the role of youth and children in community peace initiatives. We have conducted capacity-building at various levels within the community, schools, and peace network.)

As part of this year's Marawi Week of Peace celebration, the World Vision Development Foundation brought together youth and children from different schools and communities in Marawi City to engage in playful activities and celebrate Marawi Week of Peace. With the theme, "Building Peace Through Rebuilding Relationships Towards Rebuilding Communities," the activity emphasized the importance of coming together to heal and move forward. (Photo by ZRD/PIA-10)

World Vision has been actively involved in initiatives in Marawi City since the 2017 siege, beginning with relief efforts during the humanitarian crisis and later engaging in the city's recovery processes.

"Ang isang pinakaimportanting na-achieve natin ay nagkaroon tayo ng peace forum—isang platform where civil society organizations, local governments, and NGOs come together to discuss initiatives at kung papaano natin mapapasustain and further ma-advocate ang peace sa Marawi," he noted.

(A significant achievement is the establishment of a peace forum—a platform where civil society organizations, local governments, and NGOs convene to discuss initiatives, sustain them, and further advocate for peace in Marawi.)

Macapagat also underscored the city's substantial strides in both physical revitalization and governance improvements, signaling significant advancement for the local government and its partners, including NGOs.

Emphasizing the influence of children on their families and communities, which drives the organization's continued advocacy efforts, Macapagat affirmed that as long as there are children in need and opportunities to assist them, World Vision's dedication remains unwavering.

The peace activity received support from the city government of Marawi through the local youth development office and city social welfare office, the city schools division, the city's League of Barangays, and the Ministry of Interior and Local Government in Marawi. (APB/PIA-10/Lanao del Sur)

he PEACE Mindanao Project by the World Vision Development Foundation fosters peace among children and youth. (Photo by ZRD/PIA-10)

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