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50 Marawi students gain skills on disaster preparedness

MARAWI CITY (PIA) -- Around 50 students from five schools here are now equipped with essential disaster risk and reduction management (DRRM) skills, preparing them to effectively respond to potential hazards.

"I'm happy because I learned a lot, especially during the fire drill. I was a bit nervous at first, but when I put on the fire gear, I got excited. It felt satisfying to put out the fire because it's also my dream to become a firefighter," shared pupil Ashary Salic after completing a two-day DRR skills training. 

The activity was spearheaded by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City, under the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project, 

Adonis Casinillo, World Vision project manager, said empowering children with DRR skills is vital in ensuring their safety and resilience during emergencies. 

"Teaching children fire safety is not only timely because of the high heat index we are experiencing but is also a life skill. As an organization, we commit to promoting child participation in disaster preparedness to build their resilience and ensure their well-being in times of emergencies," Casinillo said.

The Urban Child Protection and Participation Project has equipped around 50 students across five schools with crucial disaster risk and reduction management (DRRM) skills, enabling them to respond effectively to potential hazards. This effort was led by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City as part of the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project. (Photo courtesy of World Vision)

Aira Abedin, a 14-year-old Grade 5 pupil, echoed the same sentiment, highlighting the necessity of DRR skills for self-reliance in emergencies. "It is important to learn these disaster risk reduction (DRR) skills because if we don't, how will we save our lives?" Aira questioned. 

"So, it is really necessary for us to know and understand disaster risk and reduction management.  I'm thankful to World Vision because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't know this," she added.

The training covered the basics of DRRM as well as basic life support techniques for earthquakes, fires, and other emergencies.

Participants in the training included students, teachers, and DRR coordinators from Abdul Azis Elementary School, Cadayonan Elementary School, Hadji Hassan Elementary School, Sikap Elementary School, and Tuca-Boganga Elementary School.

In previous years, World Vision provided the five schools with essential DRR equipment and devices, such as tents, alarm systems, fire extinguishers, spine boards, first-aid kits, pairs of boots, portable radios, two-way radios, DRR ropes, and whistles. These resources aim to ensure learning continuity and create safer environments for learners. (APB, PIA Region 10-Lanao del Sur, with reports from World Vision)

Students from five schools in Marawi City are taught basic life support techniques for earthquakes, fires, and other emergencies during the DRRM training conducted by World Vision in partnership with the City Schools Division of Marawi City, the Philippine Red Cross (Marawi Chapter), the Marawi City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, and the Bureau of Fire Protection-Marawi City, as part of the Urban Child Protection and Participation Project. (Photo courtesy of World Vision)

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