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Feature: Preparedness can save lives

Alert tips in case of flooding

Islamic City of Marawi (14 July) -- Rainy season is here and with the rains come floods.

Here are some alert tips relayed by the Lanao del Sur Integrated Provincial Health Office on what to do in case of flooding.

Turn off the main sources of electricity, gas and water in your home. Stack furniture above the expected flood level and keep appliances, valuables, chemicals, toxic substances and garbage beyond reach of floodwaters.

Avoid low-lying areas, river banks, creeks and coastal areas, slopes, cliffs and foothills considering that rains can trigger landslides, rockslides or mudslides.

Do not operate any electrical equipment during a flood and do not use gas or electrical appliances that have been flooded.

During inclement weather, stay tuned and listened to your local radio or television stations.

Be familiar with the quickest exit routes from your building.

Be prepared to quickly evacuate. If possible, travel during the day to avoid hard-to-see standing water and flood currents.

Flood dangers do not end when the water begins to recede. Do not return to area until authorities indicate it is safe to do so.

If you are driving and come upon a flooded road, turn around and drive the other way. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.

Keep enough emergency supplies in your office, room or car such as first-aid kit, flashlight, candles, matches, comfortable shoes, bottled water, food, batteries and portable radio for up to 72 hours in case of a serious emergency.

Register for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first-aid or other safety training courses.

Prepare a plan for yourself and your family specifying what to do and where to go.

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