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Meranao Culture

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Inspiring Stories

Malaysian bizman inspires Marawi locals to start as small entreps

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur (PIA)--Realizing what little steps can do, a successful Malaysian businessman hearted the citizenry here to kick-start their journey towards the realm of business by emerging first as small entrepreneurs. 

Tengku Hawadi Tengku Hazil who owns a big store in Malaysia shared that just like any other traders, they started with a small business and went with the risk until they grew.

He stressed that it only took them to discover their capacity and utilize potential linkages to improve little by little, and eventually build a community and business network. 

However, among all the experiences they had to undergo, Hazil bared that it was their faith in their Almighty God that paved the way for their huge success.

“We also have great faith in Allah because if Allah does not say that gives a chance to do those things, this would not happen,” he said.

Hazil made it clear that Marawi has plenty of resources, hence, it is only fitting for the residents to begin a small industry, especially since stakeholders like them are supporting as well by giving free education on how to build a significant community beneficial in improving the economy. 

“It is very good to start with small [businesses]. We try to bring more traders to Malaysia because it is one of the common needs. We are now successful in Malaysia and we came here to help the Philippine community, specifically Marawi City. We hope that in the future, we will have a strong partnership,” he said. 

Hazil conveyed his optimism that with proper strategies and unceasing faith, the Islamic city would likewise attain its longed economic betterment.

“Just look forward. We need to see a brighter future and we can then give back,” he said. (CRG/PIA-10/Lanao del Sur)

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